1893 December 2 The Pacific Canadian (New Westminster)
To define what shall be deemed a lawful fence within the boundaries of the District.
The Reeve and Council of the District of Coquitlam In Council assembled enacts as follows:
(1) A wire fence to constitute a legal fence must have a top rail and three wires. The top rail must riot be less than three inches in diameter at the small end, and either spiked with six-Inch spikes, or one inch thick trunnels, or the top rail may be composed of 1x6 Inch boards securely nailed to side of posts within two inches of top of posts. The posts must not be less than four inches in diameter at the small end, and be sunk not less than two and one half feet into the ground. The fence to be not less than four feet nine inches from the ground to the top of the top rail. The posts to be not over ten feet apart, the first wire to be one foot from the ground, the second two feet from the ground, and the third wire half-way between the second wire, and the top rail.
(2) For a board fence the posts shall be four feet nine inches long from the surface of the ground, and sunk two and one-half feet in the ground, and to be not more than ten feet apart; the boards to be securely nailed to the face of the posts, with not less than 8 penny nails; the boards to be what is termed in mills as Inch lumber, not less than six Inches wide, and distribution of boards to conform with the Prov. Statutes regarding fences. The posts to be not less than four inches diameter.
(3) For a picket fence the posts shall be four feet high above the ground, sunk two and one-half feet into the ground, and not more than ten feet apart. The pickets must not be less than three-quarters of an Inch thick, and four feet nine Inches long from the ground, and to be either sunk six Inches into the ground or securely nailed to two rails, one rail on top of post, and the other one foot front ground.
(4) A picket fence without posts shall consist of pickets of not less than three inches In diameter at the small end, and sunk Into the ground not less than two feet, and not more than three inches apart, and to stand four feet nine Inches from the surface of the ground, and 1x3 or 1x6 inch boards nailed within six inches of the top of pickets with not less than 8 penny nails.
(5) All snake or crooked fences to be deemed a lawful fence shall be six rails (not less than four inches at small end), high and the rails are not to be over six Inches apart staked and ridered, either centre staked or corner staked, and the stakes are not to be less than two inches in diameter at the top end, and driven or sunk In the ground not less than nine inches. The rider must not be less than three inches in diameter at the top end, and not more than twenty inches from top rail, the worm to be laid for twelve foot rails must not be over sixteen feet from first corner to second corner.
(6) A double post fence straight must be made with posts not less than four feet nine high, and sunk in the ground two feet six inches and securely fastened at top of posts either with slats nailed across or tied with wire, and the rails are not to be more than six inches apart, and four feet nine inches high from ground to top of rail.
(7) Chock and log fences shall be of the same dimensions as snake fences only without stakes and rider; but the top log must be securely spiked or trunneled with not less than inch thick trunnels.
This By-Law shall take effect on the first day of January, 1894.
This By-Law may be cited as the Coquitlam Fence By-Law, 1893.
Reconsidered and finally passed and the seal of the Corporation attached this [L.S.] Eleventh day of November, 1893,
C. M. C. Reeve.
The above Is a true copy of a By-Law passed by the Municipal Council of the District of Coquitlam on the 11th day of Nov., A.D., 1893, and all persons are hereby required to take notice that anyone desirous of applying to have such By-Law or any part thereof quashed, must make his application for that purpose to the Supreme Court within one month next after the publication of this By-Law In the British Columbia Gazette, or he will be too late to be heard in that behalf,